Wednesday, April 15, 2009


Well butter my buns and call me a biscuit - WE HAVE A CONTEST!!!!! =)

This is the OFFICIAL post of the Spring 2009 CTRL ALT DREAM Contest! So, as you all know (and have been patiently waiting for) our spring line is about come out (after many set backs) and we are VERY excited to share our work with you all !! Since the creation of Ctrl Alt Dream late last year it has gotten bigger than we ever expected, and we owe it to you all. So, we thought of a fun way to get to know more of you and give away some free stuff !!!!


-- You have to think of a catchy phrase/slogan or tag line that you think would make for a fantastic shirt, belt or sticker. Something fun, something interesting and something unique! You want to keep the phrase short and concise. Nothing drawn out and super long like .. "omfg omfg Ctrl Alt Dream is soooo sooo cool" !!! haha, even though you telling us that makes us feel all tingly inside! Try and stay with the theme of CAD and our message. 

-- Only 1 submission per person (no changing it, unless you have a REALLY cool excuse)

-- You must have it submitted NO LATER than Saturday April, 18th @ 12:00PM (EST)

--To submit your entry you MUST send us your slogan in a  e-mail (Which ever way you chose MAKE SURE YOU MAKE THE SUBJECT "CONTEST ENTRY". Do not forget to include your name/state/hometown! 

** After we gather all the submissions we will post the top 5 (RIGHT HERE IN THIS BLOG) that we love and let you guys and gals vote for the best one!


1st Place - Will win the item we decide to print the slogan on (ex: shirt, belt, etc). They will also win a button/sticker pack compliments of Ctrl Alt Dream! ALSO a 25% off coupon off your entire next order in the CAD store. AND a signed copy of the brand new album from Schroeder's Songbook, called Awkward is the New Cool! Check them out here ()! Also you will get the number one spot on our top 8 for the month of May!

2nd Place - Will win 15% off coupon for your next TOTAL ORDER in the CAD online store as well as a button/sticker pack!! Also, you will get a signed copy of the brand new album from Schroeder's Songbook, called Awkward is the New Cool! 

We are very excited for the contest and can't wait to see what your creative minds come up with!! If you have any questions -- don't hesitate to ask us!!!


And always remember....


Robb and Emile
Ctrl Alt Dream

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