Wednesday, February 11, 2009


A genius of a man named Napoleon Hill once said this: "Truly, thoughts are things, and powerful things at that, when mixed with purpose, persistence and a burning desire for their translation into riches or other material objects. (Think and Grow Rich) "
Many of you have already read the masterpiece Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill, many have not.  For those that have not, do so.  Right now.  I mean literally right now. Buy it and study it like your life depends on it.

The reason I started this entry off with that quote is because I want to talk to you about the true (and incredible) power of thought.  A year ago when I started getting very serious about my business entities and what I wanted to do with my life, I started to think more.  That may sound silly, but I literally started to think more.  Everyday I would wake up and think about what exactly it was I wanted to do.  Once I realized exactly what where my motivation and passion rested, I realized; making a difference in peoples lives is what I wanted to do. That's when my thinking became more and more frequent and more and more in depth.  I began to write things down every time I had an idea or concept which would help me achieve my goal of creating a social awareness entity that would help others. The power of thought is a truly incredible thing for someone to have.  You can literally think your way to success. Now of course more goes into being successful than just thinking, but listen up.

When you were a kid and you wanted a new toy, cd (or tape) or anything for that matter that you couldn't obtain by yourself; you would think of ALL THE WAYS you could to get that item.  This thinking most likely consisted of ways to ask your parents, family members or friends.  Or, even ways to earn money, steal money, or borrow money to get what, at that time, you NEEDED.  The point I am trying to make is you thought of every possible thing you could have to get what you wanted!  You would stop at nothing for that new set of legos or barbies. Little did you know, you were executing one of the most important steps in becoming successful.

Now apply that same concept to TODAY when your all grown up and never beg your parents for anything anymore...... right?

If you have ever wanted to start a company, patent an idea or invent something, but weren't sure where to start; I would say, start with the power of thinking.  Start by using the lesson you learned above.  Lets say you want to start a company that sells computers. EVERY SINGLE DAY you should be thinking of how you are going to make this possible.  You should be writing your thoughts down over and over again. After you write them down, read them back to yourself.  When you wake up read your goals and objectives.  When you go to bed do the same. Over and over again, until that is all you think about.  You need to literally obsess yourself with your goal of starting this computer company.  Think of why you are better than the other guy who sells computers.  You need to think your way to success. If you obsesses yourself with your dreams to the point where thats all you think about and tell yourself failure is not an option, most likely those thoughts and dreams will become reality.  You should stop at nothing to achieve success.  No dream is to big. Achieving them starts with the simple process of thought.  So starting today, think big and become your dream....

Live Inspired,

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